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Memory switching due to thermal noise in amorphous solids subject to cyclic shear

D. Majumdar, I. Regev

Overlapping plastic events as a mechanism for irreversible dynamics in amorphous solids under oscillatory shear

A. Szulc, I. Regev

Physical Review Research, 6, 033129 (2024)

Reversible to irreversible transitions in periodic driven many-body systems and future directions for classical and quantum systems

Reichhardt, C., Regev, I., Dahmen, K., Okuma, S., & Reichhardt, C. J. O. 

Physical Review Research, 5(2), 021001 (2023)

Mapping out the glassy landscape of a mesoscopic elastoplastic model

Dheeraj Kumar, Sylvain Patinet, Craig E. Maloney, Ido Regev, Damien Vandembroucq, Muhittin Mungan

J. Chem. Phys. 157, 174504 (2022)

A mechano-sensing mechanism for waving in plant roots

Zhenwei Zhang, Danie van Ophem, Raghunath Chelakkot, Naftali Lazarovitch, Ido Regev

Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-12 (2022)

Cooperative effects driving the multi-periodic dynamics of cyclically sheared amorphous solids

Asaf Szulc, Muhittin  Mungan and Ido Regev

J. Chem. Phys. 156, 164506 (2022)

Rectified random cell motility as a mechanism for embryo elongation 

Ido Regev, Karine Guevorkian, Anupam Gupta, Olivier Pourquié, L. Mahadevan

Development, 149(6), dev199423 (2022)

Topology of the energy landscape of sheared amorphous solids and the irreversibility transition

Ido Regev, Ido AttiaKarin DahmenSrikanth Sastry and Muhittin Mungan

Physical Review E 103, 062614 (2021)

Yielding in an amorphous solid subject to constant stress at finite temperatures

Haiyan Xu, Juan Carlos Andresen, and Ido Regev

Physical Review E 103, 052604 (2021)

Forced, deterministic dynamics on a random energy landscape - implications for the physics of amorphous solids
Asaf Szulc, Omri Gat and Ido Regev

Physical Review E 101, 052616 (2020)

Annealing and rejuvenation in a model amorphous solid under oscillatory shear
Eden Schinasi-Lemberg and Ido Regev

Physical Review E 101, 012603 (2020)

Networks and Hierarchies: How Amorphous Materials Learn to Remember

Muhittin Mungan, Srikanth Sastry, Karin Dahmen, Ido Regev

Physical Review Letters 123, 178002 (2019)

Noise spectra in the reversible-irreverible transition in amorphous solids under oscillatory driving

Ido Regev, Charles Reichhardt, Cynthia O. Reichhardt

Modeling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering 27 084004 (2019)

Critical Diffusivity in the Reversibility-Irreversibility Transition of Amorphous Solids Under Oscillatory Shear

Ido Regev, Turab Lookman,

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2018)

Excitable Dynamics and Yap-Dependent Mechanical Cues Drive the Segmentation Clock

Alexis Hubaud, Ido Regev, L Mahadevan, Olivier Pourquié,

Cell 171 (3), 668-682. e11, 2017

The irreversibility transition in amorphous solids under periodic shear

Ido Regev and Turab Lookman

Avalanches in Functional Materials and Geophysics, (pp. 227-259). Springer, Cham. 2017

Spontaneus Exfoliation of a Drying Gel

Jun Young Chung, Ido Regev, L. Mahadevan,

Soft Matter 12, 7855 2016

Reversibility and criticality in amorphous solids

Ido Regev, John Weber, Charles Reichhardt, Karin A. Dahmen and Turab Lookman, 

Nature Communications 6 2015


Onset of irreversibility and chaos in amorphous solids under periodic shear

Ido Regev, Turab Lookman and Charles Reichhardt, 

Physical Review E 88.6 (2013): 062401


Rheology and Shear Band Suppression in Particle and Chain Mixtures

Ido Regev and Charles Reichhardt,

Physical Review E 87 020201 (2013).


Coarse-grained theory of a realistic tetrahedral liquid model

Itamar Procaccia, Ido Regev, 

Europhysics Letters 97 36010 (2012).


Effective temperature in elastoplasticity of amorphous solids

Laurent Boue, H.G.E. Hentschel, Itamar Procaccia, Ido Regev, Jacques Zylberg,

Physical Review B 81, 100201(R) (2010).


Quantitative theory of a time-correlation function in a one-component glass-forming liquid with anisotropic potential.

Edan Lerner, Itamar Procaccia, Ido Regev, 

Physical Review E 79, 031501 (2009).


Randomness-Induced Redistribution of Vibrational Frequencies in Amorphous Solids

Valery Ilyin, Itamar Procaccia, Ido Regev, Yair Shokef, 

Physical Review B 80, 174201 (2009).


Elasticity with arbitrarily shaped inhomogeneity

Joachim Mathiesen, Itamar Procaccia, Ido Regev,

Physical Review E 77, 026606 (2008).


Aging and relaxation in glass-forming systems

Valery Ilyin, Itamar Procaccia, Ido Regev, Nurit Schupper, 

Physical Review E 77, 061509 (2008).

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